Single-Sex Schooling Vs. Mixed-Sex Schooling?
A Prevalent Issue in Modern World
Co-Education Vs. Separate Education - Comparative Essay
An Honest Analysis -Positives and Negatives

Introduction to the Issue
Coeducation, also referred to as mixed-gender education is a schooling system where, there is no segregation on the basis of gender, as apparent by the term. Coeducation was originally introduced by Europe, to improve educational results by creating a pleasant and comfortable classroom atmosphere. The co-ed system was primarily introduced by the Dollar Academy Boarding School, Scotland in 1818. The Concept then got a widespread acceptance worldwide and many Educational Institutes in western countries opted out to become Co-Educational. Nowadays, Co-Ed Schools are very common in western countries. Whereas, In may Muslim Countries and specially the Sub-Continent , the topic has turned out to be a controversial one, because of cultural, religious and social beliefs.

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Coeducation, also referred to as mixed-gender education is a schooling system where, there is no segregation on the basis of gender, as apparent by the term. Coeducation was originally introduced by Europe, to improve educational results by creating a pleasant and comfortable classroom atmosphere. The co-ed system was primarily introduced by the Dollar Academy Boarding School, Scotland in 1818. The Concept then got a widespread acceptance worldwide and many Educational Institutes in western countries opted out to become Co-Educational. Nowadays, Co-Ed Schools are very common in western countries. Whereas, In may Muslim Countries and specially the Sub-Continent , the topic has turned out to be a controversial one, because of cultural, religious and social beliefs.
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Image Courtesy: Dreamstime |
Some People believe that coeducation brings improvements to education quality, on the contrary, others think that it has many negative impacts on the society. The merits and demerits of the systems have remained debatable since it's initiation. Let’s take a deeper look at both sides of the coin.
Statements Favoring the Co-Ed System
Coeducation provides an opportunity for the opposite genders to get to understand each other’s nature. The understanding developed in early age helps them in their practical married lives. Kids come to know the differences between the genders and learn to find the common grounds. By Expressing the Opinions in a mixed-gender class and having debates between boys and girls, the thought process of other gender becomes more understandable. The Co-Ed is the beginning for deep-rooted and sustainable relationships and marriages in the long run, as it builds the understanding and develops tolerance towards opposite gender. and It is so obvious to state, but it is merely true that the world is not segregated. In 21st Century, where women are now working shoulder to shoulder with men and many interactions with opposite genders occur on daily basis, Facing opposite genders can be a real trouble if one has no experience of talking or working with them. This can hurdle progress in practical life and career, just because of the communication barrier. Moreover, according to some other people, growing up and getting education in a mixed-gender class eradicates shyness and makes people more confident of themselves. Students that studied in Coed Systems are more likely to adjust themselves with new people in new environments.
Besides providing a chance to experience practical lives, Coeducation helps to reduce gender discrimination from the society. In some backward areas, women are still not given equal rights and are not allowed to continue their education. In ancient times, Women were not allowed to get physical trainings and were bounded to the classrooms. Coeducation allowed an opportunity to raise awareness, by practically showing that Education and Knowledge has nothing to do with Gender. A child brought up in such environment, learning to believe in gender equality, not the stereotypes is also expected to think alike, not having a traditional and chauvinistic approach towards women.
Co-Educational Systems also turn out to be quite economical and budget-friendly. Countries with poor economies cannot afford to spend on infrastructure and furniture for boys and girls separately. With Countries having very less professional and skilled teachers, Coed is a great idea, as it also saves the time and energy of the mentor and moreover it is cost-effective. The shortage of teachers in developing countries can be dealt with, effectively by establishing more and more Coeducational Schools which would help nation increase the literacy rate.
The Supporters of the System present another idea that Coed can help decrease the rate of sexual assaults and harassments. The daily interaction with opposite gender can vanish the curiosity, developing friendships among both genders and creating a relationship of respect between each other. This will help develop a balanced personality of both boys and girls and effect the society at whole, in a good way. This would also hopefully instigate discipline in Students and mature them at early age, as both of them are likely to act and behave decently in each other's presence.
According to Recent Surveys, Co-Ed Classes tend to perform better and achieve better academic results. Apparently, this is because of the healthy competition that develops between boys and girls studying in the same institute. Researchers believe, that classes with high female ratio are observed to have an overall better performance and high enrollment rates. Performances of both genders are improved by each others presence.
Negative Impacts of Mixed-Gender Schooling
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Segregated Schooling System |
Secondly, It is observed that both girls and boys feel more comfortable in single gender classes which is meant only for them. They are allowed to debate more freely with their peers and can interact with each other in activities which are meant for them. Students can easily remain what they actually are, rather than acting to be decent, just to impress the peers from other gender. It is noticed that teachers also feel more relaxed and comfortable in teaching the two genders separately, as they both have different learning procedures.
Many of the countries are still hesitant in introducing the Co-education Systems in their Educational Institutes because of the resistance showed by the religion and ethical values of the nations. A Strong Criticism is raised by the Conservative Community, that the System is against the social norms and the traditions. According to many, preserving the culture and sticking to traditions and beliefs is the top priority, and anyways they own the right to set their priorities.
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